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Can your family afford not to have life insurance?

If you drive for a living, you know accidents happen. In addition to being exposed to the everyday life hazards of the everyday person such as COVID-19, common diseases that happen with aging, climate disasters, poor infrastructures and outdated roads and bridges we know the risk for Drivers is greater than ever.  Whether you drive an 18-wheel truck, Uber, Lyft, Delivery Driver, Sales or Service Representative or something in between accidents and accident fatalities for those that drive for a living is on the rise.

  • There were over 5 million police-reported car accidents in the U.S. in 2020, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA)/
  • There were 14,386 car accidents per day in 2020, according to the NHTSA.
  • There were 38,824 traffic-related deaths in 2020, as a result of 35,766 accidents.
  • One accident occurs every six minutes in the U.S.
  • Accident fatalities because of texting and driving are hard to measure accurately. However, there are nine fatal car accidents every day due to distracted driving, which includes texting.
  • The group with the highest number of accident fatalities is 25- to 34-year-olds — they account for 20% of car accident deaths.

This is why we understand that,

“If you drive for a living, life insurance is not a luxury it’s a necessity, to make sure you have secured the future for your loved ones.”

Drivers Life Solutions

The need for life insurance has never been greater and the cost more affordable!

count on coverage from group life insurance - if their job ends, their protection ends
0 %
above 40% wish their spouse/ partner would buy more life insurance
0 %

Why don’t Gen X and Gen Y own more life insurance?

have other financial priorities like rent/mortgage, groceries, savings and reducing debt.
0 %
think it’s too expensive They believe it costs 3 to 5x more than it actually does.
0 %
think they have enough
0 %

How do Americans bridge this coverage gap?

 58% of individual insurance coverage owned by Gen X & Y is TERM INSURANCE

Let's Work Together

To Protect Gen X & Gen Y with our fast, efficient end-to-end digital process that we offer for the 25-55 year old market.



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