No Exam life Quote

No Exam, No Blood Tests & No Waiting Period

At Drivers legacy people frequently contact us looking to purchase a “no medical exam” life insurance policy.   We help those with pre-existing conditions and health issues find life insurance that meet their needs. We represent several no medical exam companies that can get you approved for life insurance fast.  No physical exam life insurance coverage is ideal for those looking to get life insurance quickly (in cases to cover pre-existing conditions such as high-blood pressure, or to avoid the application process of having a medical examiner come to their home or business to perform an exam. There are several advantages of choosing no exam versus exam life insurance.

What Exactly Is No Medical Exam Life Insurance?

No medical exam policies are exactly what their name implies:  You don’t have to take a medical exam for this type of policy like you do with a traditional life insurance policy. Yet they provide the same guaranteed coverage as those that do require a medical exam. But, no medical exam policies — also called “simplified issue” policies — are typically limited to lower coverage amounts. And, most of the time they are still fully underwritten with a complete medical questionnaire.


     Your background review could include the following:

  • Pharmacy report, which lists all medications you’ve been prescribed over the last 5–10 years
  • Motor Vehicle Department report
  • Medical Insurance Bureau report (to see if you’ve applied for or have been denied life insurance in the past)
  • Credit history (only a few insurance companies check this)

How Long Does It Take to Get a Policy?

In many cases you can apply for a no medical exam insurance policy and have your policy issued the same day you apply. If your application needs to be reviewed more closely by an underwriter it could take from 2 to 10 days for your policy to be issued.


Some of the red flags that might keep your application from being approved right away? A long list of prescription medications, a criminal conviction, a current bankruptcy, a history of substance or alcohol use or abuse, or a recent trip to a dangerous part of the world are all things that might cause an underwriter to take more time to review your information.

How Much Does It Cost?